Knowing how your tattoo can be removed fast is a process that requires dedication and commitment. When done right, you will get amazing results. Without denying, achieving positive results takes time. Here we will be discussing some tips for speeding up the process through natural methods and how it will be boosting your results between treatment sessions.
Drink enough water
Water helps in facilitating and speeding up the drainage of your fragmented ink particles that are broken down by the laser. It is the most natural way of getting rid of toxins from your body. Leading health care providers recommend women to drink 2.5 liters daily and 3.2 liters for men.
Regular Exercise for Increasing Circulation
The best way for increasing blood circulation between treatments is a daily exercise. Specifically, focus on cardiovascular workouts and daily resistance training. Tattoos treated with a laser will be fading faster. They will heal more efficiently when they will be receiving more blood circulation. As blood flow naturally increases with regular exercise, it is recommended to work out regularly or at least four to five times per week.

Healthy and balanced diet
Diets rich in minerals, vitamins, probiotics, and antioxidants will help you in kick start your body’s capability for producing results. So, which are the best foods for fast tattoo removal process? Consume raw foods, essential fatty acids, fish oils, and omega 3 rich foods. You should have nuts, whole grains veggies and lots of fruits in your diet chart. Please avoid processed foods, fast foods, saturated fats, and sugary products.
Reducing Stress Load
Stress is a normal part of our lives. Regular stress causes a negative impact on the health of your immune system. Stress elevates the body’s cortisol levels and elevated cortisol suppresses your immune system. You should indulge in activities like meditation and yoga which are helpful for reducing stress.
Sleep for Seven to Eight Hours without Fail
One of the most important factors is to get adequate sleep. If you are sleeping for seven to eight hours without a break, your body rejuvenates, heals and recovers better.
Steps for Avoiding Infection
The key here is prevention. Any type of infection will be slowing your body’s capability for removing the ink. For preventing certain infections you must follow simple rituals daily. We have mentioned a few examples.
- Washing your hands a few times a day as there are so many germs around us
- Thoroughly cook the meats and do not keep it raw
- Take daily bath
- Brush and floss your teeth two times a day
- Always keep hand sanitizer with you
- Ask your doctor to always wear gloves
During winter avoid catching a Cold
Falling sick with flu or cold will halt your body’s capability in removing the ink pretty dramatically. If you are caught with cold or in worse cases flu in the middle of the treatment plan, the treatment will not be continued until you are fit again. It is for your own good as your immune system will be busy fighting off the virus. During the cold season, consume vitamin C rich food like an orange on a regular basis for fast tattoo removal.
Protect the Affected area from the Sun
You must avoid tans or burns on or around the tattooed portion. The more you have pale skin, the better. The laser treatment makes a distinction between the ink color and the skin tone. If your skin color changes from being under the sun, your doctor has to scale back the power and this will require extra treatments if the need arises.
Attend your Appointments on the Scheduled Time
This is a no-brainer. It takes time for full removal treatment. If you delay your appointments or forget your scheduled date, more time will be required for proper healing. Please set a reminder seven days ago before every visit. This will provide you enough time in planning other activities in your life.
Follow Aftercare Instructions
For faster healing process you need to follow aftercare instructions. Keep the area free and clean from any lotions so that the tattooed portion will heal faster as well as take care of your blisters.